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Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point, 2006

Vanishing point started as a photo of a sealed off loading dock of a giant warehouse, in the arts district of downtown Los Angeles. The resulting image disappears far back into the distance, and is reminiscing of artistic perspective, studies, disappearing at a central point on the horizon.

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Diamond House

DIamond House

Diamond House, 2018

This complex construction is reminiscent of many modern buildings in Los Angeles, and was in fact a storefront under construction on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. The interplay of the different shapes made from glass and concrete create the feeling of a complex structure levitating in the atmosphere that could be the future home of today’s billionaires.

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The Architect

The Architect

The Architect, 1994

The architect himself is actually a stained glass window designer, combined with Gothic architecture from a building in Cheltenham, UK, as well as a wooden sculpture from a mansion in the same area, and the clear calm waters of the Menai straits, in North Wales. The different elements create an image that comments on man’s mastery over nature, or the divine plan for all of us.