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Floating Glass Cube

Floating Glass Cube

Floating Glass Cube, 2019

This image looks like a glass box with a brass frame that is floating in front of an intricate background with late 1800s architectural detailing. This photo is actually not a composite; it is a single image that was taken in the entrance of Pasadena City Hall in California, looking straight up. The cube is a giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling, with just the right light to give it some dimensionality.

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The Hive

Empty Hive

The Hive, 2008

The source for the hive is a photo of the porch from an abandoned house in Northern Virginia. Abandoned buildings are fascinating, because without maintenance nature, encroaches and reclaims what once belonged to it. In this case, the mirroring effect created lots of little insects and other entities, which are actively working to build a home in the abandoned space left by people who, no longer assert their mastery over nature.

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Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point, 2006

Vanishing point started as a photo of a sealed off loading dock of a giant warehouse, in the arts district of downtown Los Angeles. The resulting image disappears far back into the distance, and is reminiscing of artistic perspective, studies, disappearing at a central point on the horizon.

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Centerpede, 2022

Centerpede looks like some giant creature crawling around with thousands of legs, observing you with the giant eye positioned in the middle of its anatomy. The source image is simply a fence corner somewhere in Van Nuys, CA, but the red color and in contrast with the blue sky creates a perception of organic complexity.

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Diamond House

DIamond House

Diamond House, 2018

This complex construction is reminiscent of many modern buildings in Los Angeles, and was in fact a storefront under construction on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. The interplay of the different shapes made from glass and concrete create the feeling of a complex structure levitating in the atmosphere that could be the future home of today’s billionaires.

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Bushy Hair

Bushy Hair

Bushy Hair, 1996

Bushy hair was created when I was photographing a woman and asked her to go stand under a tree that looked really big, but the foliage completely obscured the upper part of her body and looked like a comically giant curly hair-do. A few years later, while playing with some images of the  Anaheim Convention Center, I added several of these fantastic trees to the futuristic environment.

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GeoVascular, 2022

The source image for this is a tree in West Hollywood that I photographed while walking around with an infrared camera. Once processed, I noticed that when inverted, the image looked like a pair of lungs with an exposed vascular system, which seemed like a good metaphor for the degradation of our environment.

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The Architect

The Architect

The Architect, 1994

The architect himself is actually a stained glass window designer, combined with Gothic architecture from a building in Cheltenham, UK, as well as a wooden sculpture from a mansion in the same area, and the clear calm waters of the Menai straits, in North Wales. The different elements create an image that comments on man’s mastery over nature, or the divine plan for all of us.

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The Librarian

The Librarian

The Librarian, 2011

The source image for this is the sign of a building in Santa Monica with art deco features.
Once the image was processed, I was struck by how the image affects depth perception, beyond the details of the canopy looking somewhat like the pages of an open book, along with what looks like a stern face, reminded me perfectly of every librarian that has ever told me to be quiet.

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Glass Maze

Glass Maze

Glass Maze, 2011

The original source image, for this was the complex façade of an apartment building in New York City. The way the balconies and modern features on the front of the building reflect into the glass create a very complex shape, and when it was processed, all sense of perspective disappeared and it seems like a confusing inter-dimensional labyrinth.

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Diety, 2022

This image was created from a photo of the lobby of a museum in Washington DC. The LED display on the ceiling would randomly change, but at the moment that I took this picture it was floral. When I processed the image, a creature emerged at the end of what looked like an elaborate atrium, suggesting that it was some sort of a supreme being.