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Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point, 2006

Vanishing point started as a photo of a sealed off loading dock of a giant warehouse, in the arts district of downtown Los Angeles. The resulting image disappears far back into the distance, and is reminiscing of artistic perspective, studies, disappearing at a central point on the horizon.

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Centerpede, 2022

Centerpede looks like some giant creature crawling around with thousands of legs, observing you with the giant eye positioned in the middle of its anatomy. The source image is simply a fence corner somewhere in Van Nuys, CA, but the red color and in contrast with the blue sky creates a perception of organic complexity.

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GeoVascular, 2022

The source image for this is a tree in West Hollywood that I photographed while walking around with an infrared camera. Once processed, I noticed that when inverted, the image looked like a pair of lungs with an exposed vascular system, which seemed like a good metaphor for the degradation of our environment.

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Diety, 2022

This image was created from a photo of the lobby of a museum in Washington DC. The LED display on the ceiling would randomly change, but at the moment that I took this picture it was floral. When I processed the image, a creature emerged at the end of what looked like an elaborate atrium, suggesting that it was some sort of a supreme being.