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Diamond House

DIamond House

Diamond House, 2018

This complex construction is reminiscent of many modern buildings in Los Angeles, and was in fact a storefront under construction on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. The interplay of the different shapes made from glass and concrete create the feeling of a complex structure levitating in the atmosphere that could be the future home of today’s billionaires.

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GeoVascular, 2022

The source image for this is a tree in West Hollywood that I photographed while walking around with an infrared camera. Once processed, I noticed that when inverted, the image looked like a pair of lungs with an exposed vascular system, which seemed like a good metaphor for the degradation of our environment.

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Diety, 2022

This image was created from a photo of the lobby of a museum in Washington DC. The LED display on the ceiling would randomly change, but at the moment that I took this picture it was floral. When I processed the image, a creature emerged at the end of what looked like an elaborate atrium, suggesting that it was some sort of a supreme being.